We made it! Got ourselves a spot at “het Helvoirts Weekend” together with our friends from Pulse and Chigurh.
We will play at “Hemelvaartsdag” on the 29th of May, looking forward to it! Check out this website for more info about the festival. Entree is free!
Our first semi-acoustic set was awesome! At “Links van het LED-scherm” we played with several other bands and musicians. Nice to perform our songs in such an intimate setting.
Afterwards we were asked to open the WAK-week in May. Ofcourse we will! Especially cause it will take place in the garden. Looking forward to it!

On Saturday the 1th of February we’ll play at Stamppop Festival in Moergestel. The festival starts at 19:00 pm. Be there!
For more information check their website www.stamppopfestival.nl.
We’ve won the second price: €150 band merchandise! Nice!
Brabant Dagblad (a dutch paper) posts article about our next event. Check it out