Hi everyone, as you have probably noticed, it has become very quiet here. Unfortunately, we have decided not to continue with Trackless. We really enjoyed performing on stage, the release of our album “Lost in Life” and you! The nice reactions, everyone that came to see our shows and your enthusiasm. Thank you very much for all the beautiful years! Trackless stops, but we will probably end up in all kinds of new adventures ourselves.
If you want to follow our journeys, just stay in touch with Luuk, Marinke, Marcel and Djuri.
A very deep bow,
We had an awesome time playing at X-Mas Pop as special guests. So cool to finally play in Music Hall 013 in our home town for the first time. Merry Christmas to all of you! 
Great news! We are working on a DVD from our Lost in Life album release. Especially for you we have put the live registration of “Hold the Sun” online, so that you already enjoy it with us
What a wonderful memory this is! Many thanks to everyone who was there in the sold-out theater of De Schakel.
You can check it out here.

We’ve just released our newest single: Young Old Man!
A song about our uncle, who in spite of or thanks to his mental disability, made us look at life differently. He, like no other, could intensely enjoy the little things that came his way.
The cover image was created by him. Two big men hands in paint. Just beautiful!
August 30 was his birthday, so a good time to release this track! Theo, this one is for you!
Available at: Amazon, Google Play, iTunes,Deezer, X Box Music, Spotify

This month we played two awesome gigs in Gilze. First we started with a combination of food testing and music during the “Gilse Proeftuin”. Secondly, we played our music during a picnic event organized by Zo104.
We had a lot of fun and enjoyed playing for you!
Check out some video material here:
- De Gilse Proeftuin (promo)
- De Gilse Proeftuin (Aftermovie)
- Zomaar (Aftermovie including Drone images)